Julie Spielberger, Tiffany Burkhardt, Carolyn Winje, Aida Pacheco-Applegate, Elissa Gitlow, Erin Carreon, Lee Ann Huang, Anna Herriot, Reiko Kakuyama-Villaber
This research brief highlights key findings of a 3-year pilot study of the Illinois Model of IECMHC. The study was part of a 5-year comprehensive, coordinated, statewide initiative by The Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership (ICMHP) to expand IECMHC across multiple systems and settings in Illinois. That initiative began in 2014, after almost two decades of coalition building and advocacy for IECMHC, when a private foundation convened public and private stakeholders to examine early childhood mental health in the state and develop a plan to integrate consultation into early childhood systems throughout Illinois.
Media TypeDocument
Resource TypeKnowledge/Articles
Topic(s)Infant and early childhood mental health consultation
AudienceCenter-based program staff; Consultants
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