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Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Network

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Our Approach

The IECMHC Network’s consultation services are designed to build the capacity of program staff and providers to foster the developmental, social, and emotional health and well-being of young children in their care. IECMHC Network consultants use a reflective practice approach to support program administrators, teachers, and providers while exploring problem-solving strategies within the context of infant and early childhood mental health. Consultation provides an opportunity to consider all relationships influencing young children’s well-being, both adult-child relationships and those between the adults caring for young children.

Areas of support include:

  • promoting positive mental health and social and emotional development;
  • addressing behavior that providers find challenging or concerning;
  • focusing on relationships and practices that buffer against stress and trauma; and
  • developing a program culture that promotes the well-being of providers, young children, and families.

Network Expansion

In July 2021, the funding for the California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation (CIBC) Network project moved to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) as part of the Child Care Transition from the California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division (CDE/ELCD) to CDSS and additional funding was dedicated to expanding the Network. As part of this transition and expansion, CIBC was renamed the California Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network. The IECMHC Network now offers an expanded suite of infant and early childhood mental health consultation resources and services to all early learning and care programs and providers across California at no cost.