Language(s)English, Spanish
AudienceCenter-based program staff; Family child care home providers; Family, friend, and neighbor caregivers
« Back to past eventsHome » Past events » Trauma-Informed Care Series: Self, Children and Families Creating Connection and Community Through a Trauma-Informed Lens
Language(s)English, Spanish
AudienceCenter-based program staff; Family child care home providers; Family, friend, and neighbor caregivers
« Back to past eventsMonday-Friday from 8am to 5pm, live Helpline staff will offer one-on-one support for timely, non-emergency guidance regarding specific questions or concerns related to infant, toddler and young children's social, emotional and behavioral health.
All calls are confidential.Visit the IECMHC Network portal to access consultation services.
If you are requesting consultation services for the first time, you will be prompted to set up an account to submit your request. You will only need to complete the IECMHC Network account registration process one time.
Please note your username and password so that you have them available for future use.
California Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network is coordinated by WestEd and Funded by the California Department of Social Services.