Piplo Productions and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
This free disaster resource developed jointly with the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and Piplo Productions offers parents and caregivers a way to talk with their children about disasters. This series of children’s books describes some of Trinka’s and Sam’s reactions to disasters like fires, earthquakes, COVID-19 and others. The books talk about how their parents help them express their feelings and feel safer. A caregiver guide is available in the back of the book that provides ways caregivers and parents can use the stories with their children.
Updated January 2021
Media TypeWebsite
Resource TypeKnowledge/Articles
Language(s)Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, Spanish
Topic(s)COVID-19; Family engagement; Infant and early childhood mental health; Trauma-informed practices
AudienceCenter-based program staff; Consultants; Family child care home providers; Family, friend, and neighbor caregivers; Parents and families
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