Infant and early childhood mental health consultation (IECMHC) is an indirect mental health service that promotes the social, emotional and relational health and well-being of young children and the adults who care for them. Consultation is offered to child care and early education programs and providers at NO COST.
Consultation in family child care homes includes observing the environment, facilitating reflective conversations, collaborating on the development of an action plan for the provider, and supporting the implementation of that plan. Consultants meet one-on-one with providers to learn about their program’s needs, identify strengths and challenges within the home care setting, and discuss the provider’s goals for consultation.

Areas of Support for Family Child Care Home Consultation:
- Creating relationships with families
- Accommodating families’ individual needs and schedules
- Responding to behavior that caregivers find concerning or challenging
- Supporting the social, emotional, and relational health of young children and the adults who care for them
- Caring for children with specific developmental needs
- Accessing community resources
How Will Consultation Be Provided?
- Consultation is provided in the family child care home on-site, virtually, or a combination of both.
- Providers who participate in our consultation services are asked to complete a Satisfaction Survey and, in appreciation for their time completing this survey, will receive a stipend.
Visit the IECMHC Network portal to access consultation services. When you are requesting consultation services for the first time, you will be prompted to set up an account to submit your request. You only need to complete the IECMHC Network account registration process once. Please note your username and password so that you have them available for future use.